[PlanetCCRMA] firewire status in fc7
Hector Centeno
hcengar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 11:22:01 PDT 2007
Hi Grae,
I ran into the same problem trying to capture video with Kino from a
DV camera through firewire and using F7. I found a solution that asks
to add a repository and install a tweaked stock fedora kernel and 1394
libraries (and a different version of Kino if you want to use it).
After installing them I was able to capture video using the CCRMA
kernel and Kino having no problems detecting and operating my camera.
I assume that you don't really need to install the kernel since the
CCRMA kernel is not based in the new Fedora firewire stack so I guess
you should just install the 1394 libraries provided in that repository
(unles you want to use a kernel similar to the Fedora stock kernel but
without the new stack).
The information about this is here:
I wonder if these 1394 libraries should be provided by the CCRMA
repository (as dependencies of the planetccrma-core package) since
without them seems that Firewire is broken, but then you wouldn't be
able to use firewire with the stock kernel (which anyways seems to be
having permission problems with it's new stack).
Hope this helps.
On 6/28/07, grae <drunkenbird at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I understand that the firewire stack in fc7 has changed and as a
> result freebob doesn't work.
> Does anybody have an idea as to when this may be resolved? I would
> very much like to be able to use fc7 as it seems to be the only way
> for my dual monitor setup to work.
> Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
> grae
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