[PlanetCCRMA] FC7 and Rosegarden

drumkid at gmail.com drumkid at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 05:18:03 PDT 2007

I found Rosegarden is already part of the standard FC7 distribution and
worked together with the PlanteCCRMA suite out of the box.

Hope this helps,

-- Henk

On 6/25/07, Ingar Mo <ingarmo at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  Hi folks!
> Firstly, I must give great thanks and honour to Fernando for his wonderful
> work and effort to have such a thing as PlanetCCRMA and software for us
> linux-musicians! Great job!!
> I recently upgraded to FC7  (from FC5; did a complete fresh install) - and
> downloaded the rt-kernel and audio-software from planetccrma-repository. I
> noticed that Rosegarden wasn't included in the repository this time...
> Question:  Will it be made available, or do you suggest that I compile it
> myself?
> Regards,
> Ingar
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