[PlanetCCRMA] openmotif rpm for f7

Leonid Flaks flaks at bnl.gov
Fri Jun 15 11:29:02 PDT 2007

I installed openmotif-2.3.0-0.3.fc7.ccrma on fedora 7 recently. The 
library files are installed under /opt/openmotif directory tree. 
Postinstall script  runs ldconfig, but it would not go into openmotif 
directory. As a result applications don't see openmotif libraries. To 
fix that I made a file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/openmotif.conf with one line in 
it: /opt/openmotif/usr/lib, which solves the problem.

Could this (or similar) fix be applied to the rpm?



Leonid Flaks

Phone: 631-344-2682
Fax:   631-344-6288

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