[PlanetCCRMA] Two sound cards

John Dey jsdey at optonline.net
Mon Jun 11 08:34:01 PDT 2007

On Jun 11, 2007, at 11:15 AM, Christophe T wrote:

> 2007/6/11, John Dey <jsdeyoptonline.net>:
>> Hi List,
>> I have a Thinkpad T60P laptop.  It has a Intel sound card built in.  I
>> added a SIIG USB SoundWave 7.1 sound card and to my amazement the card
>> was automatically configured and ran out of the box.  My problem is
>> that it seems that every other boot the Intel sound card is configured
>> but no sound results.  How can I correct the situation so that when 
>> the
>> USB sound card is not plugged in, I can produce sound from the Intel
>> card and when the USB sound card is present on boot that card always 
>> is
>> used?  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
>> I am aware and have seen a number of references re 2 sound cards but
>> was unable to find any relevant info.  Any references to topics would
>> also be useful to me.
>> John Dey
> I'm not an expert in managing 2soundcards (I sould learn more about
> that,cause I also have an integrated intel and an external one [usb
> m-audio]). You may configure that with system-configure-soundcard (and
> choose wich is your "first" soundcard). In my case it works (I mean
> when I boot without the external card, the integrated one is used,
> otherwise, the sytem uses the usb as predeterminated)
> -- 
> Christophe T


Thanks for your response.  system-configure-soundcard only shows one 
sound card.  The one that is active.  How do I get it to show both?


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