[PlanetCCRMA] Troubles with Quattro

Hakan Koseoglu hakan.koseoglu at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 09:18:01 PDT 2007

Hi all,

I am having a very bad time with my M-Audio Quattro.

I have balanced outs from my Quattro into my Behringer mixer. Then I have
balanced outs from my mixer's groups back into Quattro's inputs.

The aim was outputting 4 channels into the mixer and mixing it with other
sources and taking the input back and routing that to Ardour etc.

It's been an utter failure and now I have one channel in the mixer
completely blown - the gain no longer works.

It appears that when I do something like this, there is a feedback which
ends up with a white noise, overloading everything. It appears that channel
1 has about +40dB too much signal, channel 2 has about +30dB. If I use the
hardware monitors, everything works fine, if I use the software monitor -
complete white noise.

I am using balanced ins and outs, into the balanced inputs of the mixer.

I am more than unhappy with the Quattro but I want to figure out if there is
a way to control the Quattro's output levels with software - it doesn't have
an "internal mixer" for alsa to use so how would I normally control it? I'm
more than confused so if I'm rambling, please excuse me. :)


Hakan (m1fcj)

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