[PlanetCCRMA] libpthread for freebob/ffado

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jun 4 11:08:02 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 17:59 +0000, Jeff Sandys wrote:
> I tried to configure freebob and it complained about a missing
> libpthread.  How can I install libpthread?
> Freebob (now called ffado) would be a great addition to planet-CCRMA. 
> It is part of the pure:dyne distribution that I was using until I
> installed planet-CCRMA, and it worked great with my firewire
> keyboard/audio device with JACK.

Freebob is part of Fedora Extras in fc6. And the jack package that is
part of Planet CCRMA supports it...

-- Fernando

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