[PlanetCCRMA] Hardware question

M P Smoak smoak at mis.net
Tue Jul 31 16:42:00 PDT 2007

Hi Nando and all,

I need to replace my old Roland keyboard controller asap and would 
appreciate some advice on one I'm considering, a CME UF keyboard.

Nando wrote recently:
>On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 13:19 +0200, "Alexander Cart" wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've just upgraded to FC6 with PlanetCCRMA and it works perfectly fine. 
>> Just got a new Fireface 400 which doesn't run via plug-and-play. 
>> Does anyone know if it is supported and how to run it ?

>I think it is not going to be supported. RME has been adamant about not
>releasing the specs needed to create a driver. No specs, no driver...
>You should get a card that has a chipset that is supported by the
>freebob (now renamed to faado) project. See:

>  http://freebob.sourceforge.net/index.php/Main_Page

The UF5 is a 49 key version which is the size I'm wanting.

A deal that looks good to me is at:


I'm using a plain midi cable connection with my Roland kb and will probably
use the UF5 that way, but I'm curious about the USB and Firewire possibilities. 

The searching I've done leads me to think both the USB and UF400e Firewire are 
work with the latest usb and freebob drivers.  

So, are any of you using a CME UF board with the UF400e expansion board?

What do you think specs for the board and the expansion board?

While trying to gather info on this gear, I ran into the term "mLan" and 
got very confused in a hurry.  What is mLan?  Anyone use it?  

Also how do the specs on the audio of the UF400e look to you?

Thanks for Planet CCRMA and in advance for your thoughts.  

Marv Smoak   in Lexington KY  wishing I understood this stuff better ...

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