[PlanetCCRMA] alice in config-land here

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jul 19 10:17:03 PDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 02:55 -0700, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> I just got a chance to update to the newest kernel on fedora 6.
> Well, there seems to be a little problem:
> The new FC6 kernel is configured to use sata instead of pata,
> but FC6  is still in the /dev/hda world(unlike FC7 and it's love for the new hard drivers).

Hmmm, I must have done something wrong and will pull out the kernels
from the repo for the time being. Hmmm, the config files must have mixed
up as I intended to keep the old configuration for the fc6 kernels...
Having different configs has been a pain. 

Thanks for the report!!

> I use the old partition labeling, so I didn't even get past the initrd-kernel 
> hand off on booting. I think it won't be too bad for folks who use UUID 
> labeling(at least for booting).

Yeah, I tested them here at CCRMA and did not notice the problem. 

> Oh, Fernando; could you do me a favor in the next kernel builds?  
> In the last FC7 kernel(not the newest one which I haven't gotten too yet) 
> I thought I saw that asus_acpi was turned off.  I'd really like it if 
> you could include it as a module because the machine I'm using seems 
> to need it.  Thanks.

I will. I don't know why it is not turned on (I'll double check the
fedora configs - I try to follow them as closely as possible). 

-- Fernando

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