[PlanetCCRMA] Re: hitmuri

hitmuri at no-log.org hitmuri at no-log.org
Wed Jul 18 01:43:01 PDT 2007

> I havn't played with Lash before, and didn't realise that you had to start
> the
> lash daemon with "lashd" before you launched Tapeutape. Anyway this is
> what I
> get now when running lashd.
> $ lashd
> JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
> No supported SIMD instruction sets detected
> Connected to JACK server with client name 'LASH_Server'
> Opened ALSA sequencer with client ID 129
> Listening for connections
> Then I launch Tapeutape (GUI) from the desktop launcher, and this output
> is
> added.
> Created project project-1 in directory
> /home/djmons/audio-projects/project-1
> Added client 1a905438-814c-4a6a-b203-5662f7c25dca of class Tapeutape to
> project project-1
> Client 1a905438-814c-4a6a-b203-5662f7c25dca set its name to 'Tapeutape'
> Now, using the menu, I navigate to example.tap, and get the following
> output.
> Well. No more output showing in Konsole, but Messages on the GUI says.
> Loading /home/djmons/Downloads/Tapeutape/tapeutape-0.0.5/example.tap
> Loading Samples
> Problem loading sample ./son1.flac

Ok this is normal since you don't have the file son1.flac in the tapeutape
directory. Open example.tap and change the files in the variation nodes to
something you've got on your computer (absolute path) , then send midi
notes to tapeutape and it should play these files.
You should really take a look at example.tap, it's quite clear i think.

> The GUI shows a split screen with setup1, and setup2. Setup1 shows kit1,
> and
> setup2 shows kit2, with kit1 below it.
> Looking in Qjackctl's "Connect" there is nothing showing.

If something didn't work during the launch process (here the soundfiles
weren't found) tapeutape doesn't create the midi and audio connections.

> I only got into this to help the OP out with a guide to installing
> Tapeutape,
> but am now feeling involved in seeing it working.
> A question:
> What does this line mean when I started lashd?
> No supported SIMD instruction sets detected
> Nigel.
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