[PlanetCCRMA] fc6/7: new rt kernel; fc6/7: updated libgig

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 13:40:01 PDT 2007

Hi Fernando,

I do have Flash installed but for me Firefox crashes when trying to
access gmail (which AFAIK doesn't use Flash, does it?). Right now
Firefox is frozen and I'm typing this email using Konkeror (in Gnome).
This is ps' output:

hector    3595  1.1  2.2 194352 46336 ?        D    16:25   0:03

I think the problem is not present in my Desktop but I have to double
check. In the same laptop using the stock fedora kernel both Tomboy
and Firefox work fine. My laptop has a centrino duo processor, 2 gigs
of ram and the Inte GMA950 graphics chip.


On 7/7/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 22:41 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-07-07 at 00:42 -0400, Hector Centeno wrote:
> > > With the f7 stock kernel works fine. Also I've been having lots of
> > > problems trying to connect to my wireless network using the ipw3945
> > > modules from the ccrma repos. A third strange problem is that Firefox
> > > freezes with the rt kernel and it's impossible to kill it.
> >
> > That is weird. What does "ps axuw" show for its state and all that?
> Oh well, that was easy to reproduce. I'm getting a complete hang of
> firefox with both rt19 and rt20 but so far only when trying to use a
> page that has flash content in it (I just installed flash 9 from the
> dries repo). Have you installed flash by any chance?
> -- Fernando


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