[PlanetCCRMA] fc6/7: new rt kernel; fc6/7: updated libgig

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jul 6 22:42:01 PDT 2007

On Sat, 2007-07-07 at 00:42 -0400, Hector Centeno wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> I finally found what was making gnome-panel to freeze and surprisingly
> it was Tomboy (the mono-based note taker applet). If I try to start it
> from terminal the terminal freezes too and the same happens with the
> window that opens when choosing "add to panel" from the right click
> menu on the panel. 

I think somebody was having a problem at some point with this same app
(if my memory serves me, I don't remember exactly). He was running out
of memory and discovered that the program was spawning tons of

I should see if I can reproduce this, maybe this is a potential problem
to report to Ingo. 

> With the f7 stock kernel works fine. Also I've been having lots of
> problems trying to connect to my wireless network using the ipw3945
> modules from the ccrma repos. A third strange problem is that Firefox
> freezes with the rt kernel and it's impossible to kill it. 

That is weird. What does "ps axuw" show for its state and all that?

-- Fernando

> On 7/6/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
>         On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 22:48 -0400, Hector Centeno wrote:
>         > Thank you for the upgrades and new packages. I just
>         installed the
>         > kernel and ipw3945 packages in my laptop and for some reason
>         the
>         > gnome-panel freezes right from the beginning, I can see the
>         menus and 
>         > launchers but they don't react to clicks. The applets don't
>         show up at
>         > all so it might be one of them causing a problem. The
>         Desktop is
>         > accessible. I'll do more testing and report back. 
>         I imagine the culprit to be the ipw3945 driver not being happy
>         in your
>         laptop (and the NetworkManager applet hanging because of
>         that). Can you
>         start a terminal or switch to the text console to see what
>         processes are 
>         running? ("ps axuw" should print everything, I imagine the
>         ones at the
>         bottom should be the ones hanging). Were you using the ilw3945
>         with the
>         Fedora kernels before? Most probably you should try to
>         uninstall the new 
>         ipw3945 and see if that fixes the problem...
>         -- Fernando
>         > On 7/5/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu>
>         wrote:
>         >         fc6/fc7: the stock kernel does not include
>         the
>         >         ilw3945 wireless
>         >         driver that is included as a patch in the stock
>         Fedora
>         >         kernel... and my
>         >         new laptop needs something, so I created kernel
>         modules for 
>         >         the ipw3945
>         >         driver, its firmware and the regulatory daemon (the
>         last two
>         >         rebuilds of
>         >         what freshrpms provides - with thanks to
>         Matthias)[*].
>         >
>         >         If you want to test this, "yum install kmod-ipw3945 
>         >         ipw-firmware" and
>         >         all necessary packages should be installed. This
>         kernel module
>         >         will only
>         >         work with the rt kernel packages.
> -- 
> ===============================
> http://www.hcenteno.net

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