[PlanetCCRMA] fc6/7: new rt kernel; fc6/7: updated libgig

John Dey jsdey at optonline.net
Fri Jul 6 06:46:01 PDT 2007


This morning I went back and installed the r19 kernel.  The keyring 
asked for my passwd but for some reason the NetworkManager (or 
ipw3945d) didn't recognize the key.  It asked me to enter the key.  The 
wireless failed to initialize on the first go around.  I tried again 
and I was connected. I thought there might be an interaction between 
stock fc7 kernel using ilw3945 (which I had been using an my last boot) 
and rt so I rebooted to rt and discovered that the key was not 
recognized.  Same procedure as described above got me connected.

On Jul 5, 2007, at 8:52 PM, John Dey wrote:

> Fernando,
> I went ahead and installed the two packages indicated below for the 
> rt19 kernel for fedora core 7 running on a Thinkpad t60p 8744 laptop.  
> Wireless worked like a charm.  My wireless is encrypted with wpa2 and 
> I am running with NetworkManager service.  I went back to the stock 
> fedora core 7 kernel that is using ilw3945 and it is still 
> functioning.  Thanks for your effort.  Now I have wireless for both 
> kernels.  My guess is that ilw3945 will eventually replace ipw3945 but 
> that is only a guess.
> John
> On Jul 5, 2007, at 8:29 PM, John Dey wrote:
>> I didn't mention that I am running fc7.  A yum search shows to 
>> packages kmod-ipw3945-rt and ipw3945-firmware--are they the new 
>> packages that you added?
>> John
>> On Jul 5, 2007, at 8:22 PM, John Dey wrote:
>>> Fernando,
>>> I upgraded.  Now running rt19 of the kernel.  Tried to "yum install 
>>> kmod-ipw3945 iwp-firmware" neither package was in the repos?  Am I 
>>> missing something?
>>> John
>>> On Jul 5, 2007, at 6:28 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>> Hi all, some kernel updates:
>>>> fc6/fc7: kernel-rt-2.6.21-0182.rt19.1
>>>> based in and Ingo's I had to skip rt18 as 
>>>> it had
>>>> problems with the udev startup sequence. Many thanks to Ingo, Thomas
>>>> Gleixner - who fixed the bug - and Carsten Emde who provided the 
>>>> traces
>>>> that made it possible to debug it.
>>>> Seems to work nicely in my tests (rt17 _sometimes_ had the udev 
>>>> problems
>>>> as well in some of the hardware configurations we have, which you 
>>>> may
>>>> have seen as delays in the boot sequence).
>>>> fc6/fc7: the stock kernel does not include the ilw3945 
>>>> wireless
>>>> driver that is included as a patch in the stock Fedora kernel... 
>>>> and my
>>>> new laptop needs something, so I created kernel modules for the 
>>>> ipw3945
>>>> driver, its firmware and the regulatory daemon (the last two 
>>>> rebuilds of
>>>> what freshrpms provides - with thanks to Matthias)[*].
>>>> If you want to test this, "yum install kmod-ipw3945 ipw-firmware" 
>>>> and
>>>> all necessary packages should be installed. This kernel module will 
>>>> only
>>>> work with the rt kernel packages.
>>>> On the same vein there's also a bleeding edge ALSA kernel modules
>>>> package. If installed ("yum install kmod-alsa") it will provide a 
>>>> very
>>>> recent hg (it is a version control system used byt the ALSA project)
>>>> snapshot of the alsa kernel drivers, which is newer than what comes
>>>> bundled with I wish I did not have to do this, but with 
>>>> the
>>>> new kernel modules sound in my new laptop actually works. If you are
>>>> having soundcard problems with very new hardware this may help.
>>>> fc6/fc7: updated libgig to version 3.1.1
>>>> Enjoy!
>>>> -- Fernando
>>>> [*] there are at least three widely used ways to package kernel 
>>>> modules,
>>>> I used "kmod" which is what is used officialy in Fedora and Livna,
>>>> Freshrpms uses "dkms" and ATrpms use "kmdl"... let's _not_ argue 
>>>> about
>>>> which one is better, please :-)
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