[PlanetCCRMA] fc6/7: new rt kernel; fc6/7: updated libgig

John Dey jsdey at optonline.net
Thu Jul 5 17:30:02 PDT 2007

I didn't mention that I am running fc7.  A yum search shows to packages 
kmod-ipw3945-rt and ipw3945-firmware--are they the new packages that 
you added?

On Jul 5, 2007, at 8:22 PM, John Dey wrote:

> Fernando,
> I upgraded.  Now running rt19 of the kernel.  Tried to "yum install 
> kmod-ipw3945 iwp-firmware" neither package was in the repos?  Am I 
> missing something?
> John
> On Jul 5, 2007, at 6:28 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> Hi all, some kernel updates:
>> fc6/fc7: kernel-rt-2.6.21-0182.rt19.1
>> based in and Ingo's I had to skip rt18 as it 
>> had
>> problems with the udev startup sequence. Many thanks to Ingo, Thomas
>> Gleixner - who fixed the bug - and Carsten Emde who provided the 
>> traces
>> that made it possible to debug it.
>> Seems to work nicely in my tests (rt17 _sometimes_ had the udev 
>> problems
>> as well in some of the hardware configurations we have, which you may
>> have seen as delays in the boot sequence).
>> fc6/fc7: the stock kernel does not include the ilw3945 
>> wireless
>> driver that is included as a patch in the stock Fedora kernel... and 
>> my
>> new laptop needs something, so I created kernel modules for the 
>> ipw3945
>> driver, its firmware and the regulatory daemon (the last two rebuilds 
>> of
>> what freshrpms provides - with thanks to Matthias)[*].
>> If you want to test this, "yum install kmod-ipw3945 ipw-firmware" and
>> all necessary packages should be installed. This kernel module will 
>> only
>> work with the rt kernel packages.
>> On the same vein there's also a bleeding edge ALSA kernel modules
>> package. If installed ("yum install kmod-alsa") it will provide a very
>> recent hg (it is a version control system used byt the ALSA project)
>> snapshot of the alsa kernel drivers, which is newer than what comes
>> bundled with I wish I did not have to do this, but with the
>> new kernel modules sound in my new laptop actually works. If you are
>> having soundcard problems with very new hardware this may help.
>> fc6/fc7: updated libgig to version 3.1.1
>> Enjoy!
>> -- Fernando
>> [*] there are at least three widely used ways to package kernel 
>> modules,
>> I used "kmod" which is what is used officialy in Fedora and Livna,
>> Freshrpms uses "dkms" and ATrpms use "kmdl"... let's _not_ argue about
>> which one is better, please :-)
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