[PlanetCCRMA] Midi interface for FC5/CCRMA laptop

John Dey jsdey at optonline.net
Wed Jan 31 09:19:03 PST 2007


I have used midisport uno and midisport 2x2.  Both work like a charm.  
They don't work out of the box however.  For both units it is necessary 
to download the firmware before they work.  Fortunately, Clemens Ladish 
has written a program and provided instruction for downloading the 
firmware. I'm using midisport-firmware-1.2 for my installation.  I 
found Clemens's instruction quite easy to  follow.

On Jan 31, 2007, at 6:22 AM, linuxmedia4 at netscape.net wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm interested in buying a midi interface for my Dell Precision M50 
> laptop, running FC5/CCRMA. I wanted to check if anyone running 
> FC5/CCRMA has had any success with any of the following interfaces and 
> what it took to set them up (any pointers to set-up instructions would 
> be appreciated). Hopefully, one of these will work "out of the box". 
> But some configuration is acceptable, as long as it's understandable 
> and works in the end.
> Midiman Uno
> Midisport 1x1
> Thanks,
> Rocco
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