[PlanetCCRMA] Midi apps (package build request)
lenb_99 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 8 13:42:02 PST 2007
--- Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 08:21 -0800, Len wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I notice that GMOrgan is listed in the PlanetCCRMA Package Collection. Any chance of building
> > packages for some of the other (very useful) MIDI utils/apps by the same author? I was using
> > SoundFontCombi and mcontrol with Rosegarden under FC1. SoundFontCombi is great, because it
> lets
> > you route a MIDI input on one channel to multiple MIDI output channels simultaneously (and
> other
> > flexible routing scenarios), things I was not able to do with Rosegarden alone. Also,
> mcontrol is
> > great for storing parameter presets to set up, say, an outboard effects units, then sending
> those
> > settings using MIDI controllers.
> I just added soundfontcombi and mcontrol to fc4/5/6 (only lightly tested
> on fc4), just install "soundfontcombi" and/or "mcontrol".
> [another alternative for that kind of stuff was qmidiroute,
> qmidicontrol, etc]
> -- Fernando
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