[PlanetCCRMA] New install - FC5/SMP - Ardour fails w/"illegal instruction"

James P. Early earlyjp at purdue.edu
Sun Jan 7 06:47:02 PST 2007

Hi Anthony,
  Please see my remarks below...

Quoting Anthony Green <green at redhat.com>:

> On Sat, 2007-01-06 at 16:59 -0500, James P. Early wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >   I successfully completed a FC5/PlanetCCRMA installation/upgrade according
> to
> > the posted instructions. I then used yum to install Ardour. I next tried to
> run
> > Ardour, but it consistently fails to load with the following error:
> > 
> > [earlyjp at localhost ~]$ ardour
> Are you sure you're using the PlanetCCRMA ardour, and not the Fedora
> Extras one?  What does "rpm -qf /usr/bin/ardour" say?

[earlyjp at localhost ~]$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/ardour

Honestly, I don't know if this is the PlanteCCRMA or Fedora Extras version. I
simply did a "yum install ardour" from my brand new PlanetCCRMA installation,
and this is what I got. When I issue a "yum search ardour", I get the following
list (with descriptions removed):

[root at localhost earlyjp]# yum search ardour
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
core                                                                 [1/6]
planetcore                                                           [2/6]
planetextras                                                         [3/6]
planetccrma                                                          [4/6]
updates                                                              [5/6]
extras                                                               [6/6]
Reading repository metadata in from local files

ardour.i386                              0.99.3-5.fc5           extras

ardour-debuginfo.i386                    0.99.3-1.rhfc5.ccrma   planetccrma

ardour-debuginfo.i386                    0.99.3-2.rhfc5.ccrma   planetccrma

ardour.i386                              0.99.3-1.rhfc5.ccrma   planetccrma

ardour.i386                              0.99.3-2.rhfc5.ccrma   planetccrma

amb-plugins.i386                         0.0.2-1.rhfc5.ccrma    planetccrma

tap-plugins.i386                         0.7.0-1.rhfc5.ccrma    planetccrma

ardour-debuginfo.i386                    0.99.3-5.fc5           planetextras

ardour.i386                              0.99.3-5.fc5           planetextras

Notice that ardour.i386 appears in extras, planetccrma, and planetextras. My
particular version (0.99.3-5.fc5) appears in both extras and planetextras. So,
I'm not sure which I have. 

> > I found one mention of this error in the PlanetCCRMA achive, but it is
> unclear
> > if a solution was ever found. Then, I found a mention of the error on the
> Ardour
> > forum:
> > 
> > http://ardour.org/node/159
> > 
> > In it, Paul Davis mentions that the error can occur when the package is
> built
> > using SSE instructions. My system is a dual PII/400, and a cat
> /proc/cpuinfo
> > does not indicate an SSE flag. Does this mean that I must compile Ardour
> rather
> > than using the CCRMA package?
> I see what's going on.  Ardour dynamically detects SSE h/w and uses
> special SSE routines when running on SSE-enabled hardware, but it _also_
> checks the build platform and enables SSE everywhere if the build system
> is i686.  I'm going to patch ardour in Fedora Extras 5 and 6 to
> unconditionally disable SSE everywhere (except for those special
> routines where we have a runtime test).  I see some other build problems
> as well.  A new ardour should show up in Fedora Extras in the next
> couple of days.

Thanks. I saw your subsequent message that the update should be available soon.
Thanks for the prompt attention. I will install the new version and report my


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