[PlanetCCRMA] fc5 or fc6, i386 or x86_64

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jan 1 16:07:01 PST 2007

On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 19:44 -0800, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> Fernando:  Are there i386 planet apps put together for fc6?

Yes, quite a few... but never enough :-) 
Surf here for packages available:

> If there are i386 for fc6 I would suggest looking into using fc6, only 
> because you won't have to upgrade to the latest fedora next year.  On 
> the other hand, using a real 64 bit system is kind of nice.  Decisions, 
> decisions...
> As an aside, I was looking through the config file for Ingo's newest 
> real time kernel and it has many new things that I think would have 
> helped when we installed linux(native, not parallels) on that macbook 
> pro(dual core).  In the end gentoo 64 bit ended up on it in a round-about 
> way, but we were in rough/uncharted waters.
> The other thing about Ingo's newest kernel is that I tried to test it 
> on the fc6 install and haven't been able to get jack to work with it.  
> But that was late at night and I still need to do some more tweaking.

Hmmm, you may need to edit /etc/security/limits.conf, I used to have a
custom pam on fc5 but I have not yet released that. Otherwise you won't
be able to run realtime as a non-root user. 

See the hack at the end of:

-- Fernando

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