Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Wed Dec 26 00:24:01 PST 2007

I use the nvidia-legacy from livna without problems.  I do need to 
recompile it though.
I'll have to check what I do exactly, but it amounts to installing the 
srpm, adding a
%define kernels ... at the top of the spec-file and doing an rpm-build.
This gives me a kmod rpm for the fc8 kernel.

I'll check the exact instructions after the holidays.

> Hi
> After spending several hours on this, I now cry out for help.
> I have just built a box with a MSI P6NGM motherboard, which has NVIDIA 
> GeForce MCP73 graphical chipset.
> I have tried to install kmod-nvidia from livna, but it will not work. 
> I only get 800x600.
> uname -rvp says:
> #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Thu Dec 20 16:52:01 
> EST 2007 i686
> I tried to install kernel-devel and then run 
> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run, but it says it's not the right version.
> So:
> - where can I find a kmod that work?
> - how do I setup to compile my own kmod for this kernel ?
> - should I be better off with another distro?
> /Bengt

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