[PlanetCCRMA] missing iwlwifi modules in new kernel

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 20 12:38:04 PST 2007

On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 10:45 -0500, Hector Centeno wrote:
> Hello,
> Here I come again with a wireless request. I recently had to replace
> the wireless card in my laptop and what I found available was an Intel
> 4965. After installing it I was expecting to have to compile modules
> for it but to my surprise I found it just worked  with the CCRMA
> kernel... until the recent update.  It looks like the new
> is missing the iwlwifi modules that are
> present in the previous CCRMA kernels and that allowed my wifi to
> work. Was this an intentional omission?

Hmmmm, most probably that was part of the Fedora patches. Some of them
(and I think the wireless ones were one of them) would not patch
correctly on top of the newer kernel... sigh. 

I'll see if it is possible to fix them to patch, or if there's something
newer from Fedora. 

You'll need to boot into the previous kernel for now. 
And thanks for the report!

-- Fernando

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