[PlanetCCRMA] F7 i386 or F7 x64??

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Mon Dec 17 03:02:01 PST 2007

I'm not sure what to say about the 32bit/64bit thing.

FC5 was the last 32 bit system I used with the planet.  It's been 64 bit on fedora 6 and 7 now, with very few problems.  There are a few apps I miss because they only seem to want to work as 32 bitters.  But, for my main machine I would never load up a 32 bit system again.

I recently put together a fedora 8/32bit on another machine to play with some hardware things on.  I also downloaded the planet there, but haven't had the time to check it out.  That machine is mostly for testing stuff out when I have trouble on the 64 bit system and need to know if indeed the problem is with 64 bits.

What I've found so far is that I've gotten 32 bit apps to work better under the fedora7/64bit system then the 32 bit fedora 8 system.  This includes the arduino environment and sun's java, along with a bunch of other hardware-ish programs.

I do have a 2nd machine on my desk that is also 64bit.  I mostly use it to keep up with the debian based systems(64Studio and Ubuntu).  I like 64 studio a lot, and dislike Ubuntu.


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