[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] For Newbie: Better to use Fedora 7? ISO respins for Fedora 7?

DAVID PINKSTON dwpbike at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 07:53:36 PST 2007

have you tried this:  http://iso.linuxquestions.org/fedora/fedora-7/  ?  i've found this site to be handy at times.

Chuck Cooper <plangent2 at comcast.net> wrote:  There seem to be lots of (understandable, temporary) glitches with the very new Fedora 8 Planet stuff. Would it be easier for a newbie (me) to start with Fedora 7 and the Fedora 7 version of Planet?  
 Meanwhile, the ISO re-spins of Fedora 7 seem to have been replaced by some kind of "jigdo" stuff which I'd like not to learn about.. Only Fedora 8 is still available as a nice ISO image at FedoraProject.org  .   Anybody know of a place to get a cleanly updated monolithic Fedora 7?  DiscountLinuxDVD.com does sell that for a pittance and seemed nice when I ordered Fedora 8.  But now that I know how to download an ISO (wow), it seems odd that I can't just download a monolithic Fedora 7 without some scary-looking jigdo file that probably needs Linux already running to do its thing...
 Thanks to the Planet/Linux mavens who helped with my earlier batch of basic questions.
 Chuck Cooper

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