[PlanetCCRMA] More hdsp/alsa drama

Michael E. Smith melkhorn at gmx.de
Thu Dec 6 15:41:56 PST 2007


My new install of Fedora 8/CCRMA isn't playing well with my

I've seen that others are having problems too, but not necessarily the
same. I've got bizarre routing happening all on its own. At first I
didn't notice it, and tests seemed to be fine, but as soon as I powered
up all of my outboard converters and console, all hell broke loose with
feedback loops on several channels.

Stranger still, I can't find any logical evidence of the routing in
hdspmixer. I did find ONE fader (A2 7 or 15) that seems to be the
fulcrum of the problem, but nothing (digital or analog) is being routed
to or from it, at least not on purpose. 

Jack seems to start up and run just fine just fine.

The behavior exhibits itself with both the latest CCRMA and stock

Rebooting to my FC6/CCRMA partition (which, incidentally, has the same
version of ALSA; 1.0.15) doesn't produce the same problem. And yes,
that's with identical analog and digital routing.

Could it possibly have something to do with this new pulse audio stuff?
As far as I can tell, it's not trying to do anything with the hdsp
stuff, and disconnecting the pulse audio server has no effect.

I've got a laptop with Fedora 8/CCRMA 64bit with an
hdsp(cardbus)/digiface that I'll test next and report back.



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