[PlanetCCRMA] [Planet CCRMA] : Jack and Freebob issues on Fc8

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Mon Dec 3 10:41:01 PST 2007

Mysth-R wrote:
> ok a new installation should work ?!

not quite, at least from the planet. only if you checkout from qjackctl
cvs head (version

> In my case, even if I was running jackd in console mode with freebob, it
> crashed. So I am not shure that this is a qjackctl issue.
> For your problem the solution is : don't use the system-tray :D

sort of. the rule is: don't call the system-tray context menu while
qjackctl main window is minimized.

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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