[PlanetCCRMA] [Planet CCRMA] : Jack and Freebob issues on Fc8

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Mon Dec 3 09:21:01 PST 2007

On Mon, December 3, 2007 17:03, Hector Centeno wrote:
> In my case things also improved but what I did was to reinstall Fedora
> 8. Now using the CCRMA kernel I can open a MIDI file in Rosegarden,
> create a patch in Linuxsampler and record the output in Ardour without Jack
> crashing. The only problem that persists is one with qjackctl that I can
> reproduce 100%:
> - Open qjackctl (already set to show the system tray icon) and start jack
>  - Close qjackctl window (if this window is not closed then the crash
> doesn't happen) - From the drop-down menu of the tray icon select
> "connections"
> - Close the connections window
> - qjacktl quits together with jack
> If the connections window is opened through the main qjackctl
> transport/window it doesn't quit. Starting qjackctl from a terminal
> doesn't give any error messages.

this is a recently reported qjackctl 0.3.1a issue that has been already
addressed on cvs.

the bug seems to be qt4 bound and it happens every time any top-level
widget is closed while qjackctl is minimized to the system-tray.

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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