[PlanetCCRMA] xmms, m-audio delta 44, fc7

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Thu Aug 30 05:50:02 PDT 2007

Odd.  I use the exact same configuration and have no problems.
xmms default to the Alsa output driver for me.

Did you run a soundcard detection from the FC7 admin utils?
I usually need to do that once after a fresh install, just
to make all FC apps aware of the soundcard.

> I use Fedora 7 with an M-Audio Delta-44 and the ccrma kernel.  I've got 
> most of my regular audio tools (Audacity,Jack, Ardour, Hydrogen) working 
> great under Fedora 7 but I'm still having trouble with xmms.  I'm using 
> the alsa plugin and experimenting with various configurations for the 
> device (in xmms) but I either get an error notice about the soundcard 
> not being configured properly or xmms looks like its playing but there 
> is no audio output.  Can anyone help me trouble shoot this?  I'm not 
> sure where to look as everything else seems to be working fine.
> Thanks a lot!

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