[PlanetCCRMA] YUM chews up my karma, and spits out evil

Ken Dawson dawsonwu at rahul.net
Fri Aug 24 10:39:02 PDT 2007


(sorry that this reply got a bit lengthy. I am stuck currently by this)

As referenced in another thread, I am seeing this problem as well -- pretty much continuously in the last couple of weeks.

I have two systems, one with f6 + planetccrma and another onto which I want to install f7 + planetccrma. On both systems 
I experience these mismatch problems wrt/ planetccrma's packages, but also, I suspect, wrt/ fedora packages as well. 
But, it seems that, whereas fedora has a couple dozen backup mirrors to jump to, so far as I know, the planet has just 
itself (I tried looking at the ircam site, but it is not current).  And a failure there is pretty much the end.

I did an experiment ("which is not scientific", as they say in the ads):

First, I sat at home, and tried to do a "yum clean all", "yum upgrade", and bombed out with alsa, ardour2 and 
supercollider consistency issues.

Then, I hopped in my trusty minivan and headed to Googleland (the streets of Mountain View), and tried the same thing 
sitting in the 90ish heat some 30 yards from a wireless access point.

It was slower, but the second attempt, the lamppost upgrade, worked perfectly.


I am new to this concept of ISPs caching content. Wouldn't the preponderance of some other OS's traffic tend to flush 
humble little planetccrma's information from that cache very quickly?

Otherwise, the mechanism doesn't seem to be behaving much like the cache I studied in school.  If the source of the 
information changes, the cache version should be flushed in favor of the new information.  Right?

I believe that if I were to use rsync to suck over the planetccrma-f7 repository (to then install it locally), the cache 
would not be involved, and the proper information would be obtained.  Maybe I'm dreaming.

I don't have a workplace to VPN into, nor an available http proxy to work through, so I am dead in the water.  My f7 
install languishes, ready to capture the planet packages, but awaiting some new approach to make it at least even odds 
that it will succeed. (Did a complete f7 + planetccrma install a few days ago, and it was very ugly.)

Does anyone with more Internet sophistication have any insights into this problem and possible work-arounds or 
solutions?  I would really appreciated them.



Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 14:30 -0400, Jason Russler wrote:
>> # yum clean all
>> However, that doesn't work sometimes because, where I am, !$#@ Comcast
>> is caching stuff somewhere and screwing up the package/checksum pairs.
>>  So nothing works unless I a) wait or b) VPN into work and then use
>> yum (there's probably a better way of getting around the caching
>> mechanisms but that works for me.)  Could ISP caching be the culprit
>> here?
> I guess that could be a problem if different file types are cached for
> different amount of time, then you could get inconsistent results for
> the downloads. 
> -- Fernando
>> On 6/21/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 19:12 +0200, Fredrik Vang wrote:
>>>> YUM's got a bad day with my CCRMA. When I try to install on FC6, yum
>>>> fails after downloading certain packages, with the error message
>>>> "Package does not match intended download". Am I missing something
>>>> very obvious on my side, or is there something wrong on the repository
>>>> side?
>>>> (1/6): alsa-firmware-1.0. 100% |=========================| 3.5 MB
>>>> 00:14
>>>> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/6/i386/alsa-firmware-1.0.13-1.fc6.ccrma.i386.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download
>>>> Trying other mirror.
>>>> (2/6): planetccrma-core-2 100% |=========================| 4.7 kB
>>>> 00:00
>>>> (3/6): rtirq-20070101-1.f 100% |=========================| 7.6 kB
>>>> 00:00
>>>> (4/6): alsa-tools-1.0.13- 100% |=========================| 333 kB
>>>> 00:01
>>>> (5/6): kernel-rt-2.6.21-0 100% |=========================|  16 MB
>>>> 01:07
>>>> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/6/i386/kernel-rt-2.6.21-0182.rt17.1.fc6.ccrma.i686.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download
>>>> Trying other mirror.
>>>> (6/6): alsa-oss-1.0.12-3. 100% |=========================|  36 kB
>>>> 00:08
>>>> The same thing happens when I try to install certain other packages
>>>> individually (e.g. supercollider)
>>> I had not seen this error before. The repository appears to be fine, at
>>> least from here. I just did a mock install in a mach chroot (after doing
>>> a yum clean all so that everything would be downloaded again) and the
>>> install proceeded just fine.
>>> The error appears to indicate that somehow the packages were not
>>> completely downloaded or were corrupted during the download so that the
>>> checksum does not match.
>>> Is this in a new install from scratch? Have you tried installing other
>>> packages that do not come from the Planet CCRMA repo?
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