[PlanetCCRMA] F7 kernel-rt sources to apply patches to

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Tue Aug 21 13:13:03 PDT 2007

>>>>> "a" == andersvi  <andersvi at extern.uio.no> writes:

    a> We'll see how far i get....

Not very far it seems.  I dont know much about recompiling kernels,
but first guess is the patch from alsa is aimed at 2.6.22 kernels and
more recent versions of alsa-libs, and doesnt work on 2.6.21 kernels?

If someone may help shed some light onto this id be happy.

Heres what i tried.

 - downloaded kernel-rt-2.6.21-0182.rt21.3.src.rpm from ccrma and
   installed it

 - copied (and uncompressed) patch from alsa into

 - made a new specfile from the original "kernel.spec":
   /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/kernel-josefk.spec - which included the
   following line down below Patch10000:

 "Patch10001: alsa-git-2007-07-20.patch"

  and a new version-name

then -

% rpmbuild  -ba --target=i686 kernel-josefk.spec

after a while this seemed to be done, and the new kernel included in
grub.conf.  Booted into this, but no soundcard...

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