[PlanetCCRMA] F7 kernel-rt sources to apply patches to

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Mon Aug 20 07:11:01 PDT 2007

Im getting a very new thinkpad (T61P) from Levono running.

Installing Fedora 7, with kernel-2.6.22-1 was straightforward with
good help available on http://www.thinkwiki.org.

To get audio-chip (Analog Devices AD1984) and wifi-chip (Intel
4965AGN) to play the kernel needed patching and recompiling:


Fetched kernel sources from kernel.org (patched up to 2.6.22-3),
applied patches and built new kernel according to good instructions on
thinkwiki and fedoraforum.org.  After that sound and wifi works (and
the rest of the laptop it seems) with the patched kernel.

Now id like to do the same thing with the current planetccrma kernel.

If im right i need the actual kernel-sources with configurations and
patches used to build the kernel-rt at ccrma, not just the
kernel-rt-devel package with header files etc.  No?

If this is the way to go, is this available anywhere as a package or
archive or some such?

If there are other ways getting F7-ccrma-rt going with this hardware,
please let me know.



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