[PlanetCCRMA] trouble getting started with Common Music

bernie arai bernie.arai at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 23:16:02 PDT 2007

after reading Dave Phillps' mention of it in his "At the Soudning Edge"
column from a while a ago (thanks dave for the great read as always), i'm
prompted  to try out Common Music, but i'm a little in over my head with
setting things up.  the abundance of "common" family packages from
planetccrma (FC5) is making my head spin.

i want to try the tutorials from the CM website, which advise that i use
emacs via SLIME.  following the instructions at
http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/emacs.html i've run into a stumbling
block where i think that i don't know the correct path to SLIME or cm, which
i've installed from the planet.  after adding the lines as per instructions,
starting emacs gives me:

File error: "Cannot open load file", "listener.el"

and trying to start M-x cm gives me:

Symbol's function definition is void: slime-connected-p

which are both beyond my experience with emacs, slime and cm, so no go so

swimming in packages, i thought i'd try and install the cm-clisp package (do
i need it?) but yum complains:

Missing Dependency: clisp = 2.39 is needed by package cm-clisp

even though i have clisp 2.41 installed.

any help on either problem?

thanks in advance,

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