[PlanetCCRMA] metapackage exceptions

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Apr 21 11:15:01 PDT 2007

On Sat, 2007-04-21 at 10:48 +0200, Michael E. Smith wrote:
> Hi there:
> I'm wondering if there is an easy way for me to modify a metapackage.
> Specifically, I'd like the one application that I build from source to
> not break the planetccrma-apps metapackage, thereby uninstalling all of
> the package's other apps.
> Goes like this:
> 	1. I install planetccrma-apps metapackage; Bliss!
> 	2. I get the bright idea that I might want to use a VST plugin with
> ardour. OK, this is academic, as I don't have any VST plugins that I
> even want to use. Further, I'm very "pro" LADSPA. But still, I gotsta
> try it, right!?
> 	3. I remove ccrma's ardour before installing my own build and...
> 	4. Dependencies dictate removal of all planetccrma-apps.

Yum is being stupid here. Good'ol apt would not have done that. If yum
were a brighter kid it would suggest removing planetccrma-apps _only_,
instead of all the dependencies of planetccrma-apps :-)

> 	5. Crap!
> 	6. So then I don't remove ccrma's ardour and install my own build right
> over top of ccrma's wondering if I'm unclean.
> Do I worry too much? Or do I just need to make my own metapackage? Can
> anyone nudge me in the right direction?

As Anthony said the best option would be to build your own version of
ardour with the proper changes to the spec file (get the .src.rpm). If
the evr (epoch-version-release) of your package is higher than the one
that the Planet CCRMA ardour2 (or Fedora Extras ardour) package then you
should be able to install it with no problems (and without first erasing
the non vst version). Obviously you would need to learn to build rpms
from source if you don't know how. 

No such solution exists for installing directly from source (without an
rpm). You could do things like first removing planetccrma-apps, then
removing ardour, then installing your own (always use prefix=/usr in the
configure stage to minimize the chance you will end up with two versions
of anything installed in different places). Then perhaps checking
periodically what installing planetccrma-apps would do (ie: which
packages it wants to add that are not there already) and install them by

-- Fernando

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