[PlanetCCRMA] how to create RPMS for csound from CVS?

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Fri Apr 20 17:30:03 PDT 2007

Hector Centeno wrote:
> Hi,
> I've seen that Planet CCRMA and Suse offer RPMS of Csound divided in
> different packages with different components. Is the spec file for
> doing that included in Csound? If not, where could I find the spec
> files used in Planet CCRMA? I couldn't find the source package in the
> SRPMS repository. I want to do this in order to not break the
> planetccrma-apps dependencies and to install Csound built from CVS
> which contains bug fixes that I need.

Try this...

"cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.fedora.redhat.com:/cvs/extras co csound/devel"

This will give you the latest spec file and patches used in Fedora's 
csound package.

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