[PlanetCCRMA] problems installing planetccrma-apps metapackage
G Quested
garryq at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Fri Apr 20 04:32:01 PDT 2007
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 14:35:49 -0400
> From: "Hector Centeno" <hcengar at gmail.com>
> To: planetccrma <planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] problems installing planetccrma-apps metapackage
> Hi,
> I just discovered the presence of the great planetccrma-apps
> metapackage so I went and tried to install it. It looks like it tries
> to install both Ardour 0.99 and 2 at the same time which creates a
> conflict:
> Transaction Check Error:
> file /usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/gtk_ardour.mo conflicts
> between attempted installs of ardour-0.99.3-8.fc6 and
> ardour2-2.0-0.3.rc1.fc6.ccrma
> file /usr/share/locale/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/gtk_ardour.mo conflicts
> between attempted installs of ardour-0.99.3-8.fc6 and
> ardour2-2.0-0.3.rc1.fc6.ccrma
> ... and some more like that with different files from the same packages.
> So I was wondering, is this a local problem in my system?
> Thanks!
I had this problem when i upgraded from FC2 to FC6 last week. I solved it
by yum installing ardour first. Then ardour2 seemed to install ok as part
of the metapackage. I'm no expert so i don't know if this was the best
way to solve it but it worked for me :-)
> Hector
Garry Quested
School of Computing
University of Leeds
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