[PlanetCCRMA] FC7: Any plans for a repo yet???

Renich Bon Ciric renich at woralelandia.com
Thu Apr 12 23:23:01 PDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-08 at 04:22 -0700, Anthony Green wrote:
> livna isn't really part of Fedora, so I don't know if they follow the 
> Fedora packaging guidelines.  
Actually, I've heard, at irc://freenode/fedora, that fedora supports
livna too. AFAIK livna is officially a Fedora Repo.
> Out of curiosity, however, I had a quick 
> look at that spec file, and it didn't look to bad to me.  They only 
> apply two patches.  One is a makefile patch to add the -msse compiler 
> flag, and the second simply fixes the pkgconfig file.  What other 
> changes are you referring to?
Well, I saw some sed lines that change library locations to
whateverlib.so -> whateverlib.so.0 and stuff. I mean, why not standard?
> > I don't mean to question Fedora's Community Guidelines... just an 
> > observation
> AG

Renich Bon Ciric <renich at woralelandia.com>

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