[PlanetCCRMA] FC7: Any plans for a repo yet???

Ken Smith kens at kensnet.org
Wed Apr 11 23:14:02 PDT 2007

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-04-08 at 13:54 +1000, Nicholas Manojlovic wrote:
>> On Sat, 2007-04-07 at 22:44 -0500, Renich Bon Ciric wrote:
>>> Are there any?
> Of course, no shortage of plans! :-)
>> Just imagine if this Fedora Music got off its feet and we had a a
>> semi-stable release on Fedora day 0?
>> Was this ever the plan? 
>> I would love to see Ccrma transformed into more of a "distro"
> That'd be nice. 
> It actually _was_ a distro in the fc4 days (full dvd installer that
> installed fc4 and Planet CCRMA in one go). I have not done that for
> fc5/6, probably will do that for fc6 if I find the time[*]. Supposedly
> that will be easy in fc7 so that should be a no-brainer. 
> Eventually I'd like to move more stuff to Extras but in my current
> situation that sharply reduces my productivity, something I can't afford
> at the moment. 
> As for fc7 I think it will not be so hard to keep up as it was in fc6,
> mainly because an rt kernel should be reasonably easy (it was not till
> relatively recently that a core bug in the mainline kernel was fixed by
> Ingo and made possible a working post 2.6.16 - or was it 17? - rt
> kernel). 
> -- Fernando
As a matter of interest I have been taking alternate FC releases into 
production. Currently I'm using FC5, the previous was FC3. I plan to 
skip FC6 for audio use and take FC7. It just changes too fast for me to 
have the time to keep the studio technically together as well as making 
some good music. Is that a scheme that would suit other CCRMA users?


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