[PlanetCCRMA] about packages naming scheme

ClaudioTomasoni claptom at tiscali.it
Thu Sep 28 05:40:03 PDT 2006

Hi, I've got a question about packages' names...

why not using names like "ladspa-plugins-[NAME]" (NAME=cmt, swh, 
caps...) for ladspa plugins and "dssi-plugins-[NAME]" (NAME=hexter, 
nekobee, fluidsynth...) for dssi plugins?

It would be easier to find them. Users would have a list of plugins and 
know what they do with a simple query "yum info ladspa-plugins-*" or 
"yum info dssi-plugins-*"...

If you need i can contrib with the modified .spec files, just tell me how...

I'd like ladspa and dssi plugins to be available in the extra repository 
in the future. Will this ever happen?

Best regards, Claudio Tomasoni.

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