[PlanetCCRMA] (No subject)

barrydillon at eircom.net barrydillon at eircom.net
Tue Sep 26 08:26:45 PDT 2006

Hi Guys,
I’m having a wee bit of trouble trying to install the “Planet CCRMA” Self burned Cd from CCRMA web site. I have Fedora system 5 installed of a fairly simple 1.7 GHz P4 Intel system and the Fedora installed without a problem.
However When I try any of the 3 CD with the planet ccrma software on them I just keep getting such and such a dependency in missing and the install process stops.
I was just wondering if any body on the list had any ideas for the solution. Does any body how of any good install tutorial for the Installation of Planet CCRMA, fedora 5, on the net? Thanks for  your help


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