[PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Rebuild for NTFS Support

ken ken at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Sep 26 08:26:01 PDT 2006

There may be another solution to having ntfs support at www.linux-ntfs.org
I used it and had it working until my kernel was updated and the ntfs support 
stopped. I haven't checked to see if I can reactivate it.
Ken Kupisz
On Monday 25 September 2006 18:33, Ken Smith wrote:
> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> >On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 21:40 +0100, Ken Smith wrote:
> >>Hi Folks,
> >>
> >>I've just set up an additional partition on my system with FC5. I like
> >>the changes from FC3 but I'd really like NTFS access if possible. The
> >>system is running 2.6.16-1.2080.16.rrt.rhfc5.ccrmasmp. I've installed
> >>the sources and a test rpm rebuild of the kernel in unmodified form
> >>takes a while but runs fine and produces rpm files.
> >>{snip}
> >>
> >>I'd really appreciate some advice on how to do this or if there is a
> >>shortcut way just to build the module I need rather than what appears to
> >>be a "boil the ocean" of re-building the whole kernel. I know how to do
> >>that outside of rpm but I'd really prefer an rpm solution so that the
> >>configuration is reasonably well managed.
> >
> >Ahh, yes, that bits me almost every time I change things manually...
> >The .config file needs to be prefixed with the architecture you will be
> >building this for.
> >
> >Just add this at the top of the .config files you modified:
> >
> >---- cut here ----
> ># i386
> >#
> >---- cut here ----
> >
> >-- Fernando
> Thanks Fernando, I'll try that in the morning - it's late here in the UK.
> Take care
> Ken
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