[PlanetCCRMA] How soon iso's for cdrom & dvd?

wb0fhu at earthlink.net wb0fhu at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 20 09:18:01 PDT 2006

I am one of those who has to download iso's and do everything from there on a separate  XP machine with high-speed.  So I'll be stalled until I get an iso of a dvd or some cd's.  

I know you are busy Fernando, and I hate to ask, but is there any projection on how long it might be, or are they available and I just can't find web reference, and #2: What will the url be?  I alread have FC5 installed and running with samba network to the other machine.  Just can't get the 2Wire usb wireless adapter to work on the Fc5 box.

Joe wb0fhu
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