[PlanetCCRMA] Skype + PlanetCCRMA

Charles Fox charles at robots.ox.ac.uk
Tue Sep 19 02:09:01 PDT 2006

Has anyone had sucess getting Skype to run on the planet in a way that 
doesn't disturb the rest of the audio tools?

Last time I looked Skype was only available for OSS, no ALSA or JACK -- I 
heard there's a warpper somewhere that makes ALSA look like OSS but I'm 
not sure how to do this -- even better would be a JACK interface so Skype 
could go through the same audio system as everything else (then you could 
for example mix your rosegarden outputs through skype to discuss and 
listen to your lastest tracks with your mates -- cubase users eat your 
heart out...)

Would be great to hear how others have managed to set this up,


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