[PlanetCCRMA] kernel request: NTFS module

Daniel Burchmore d.burchmore at byn.net.au
Wed Sep 13 06:44:02 PDT 2006

Perhaps you could try this..


It works brilliantly for me. All my audio is on NTFS for the same
reasons as you!



Hector Centeno wrote:
> Hello Fernando,
> I was wondering if in future CCRMA kernel versions you could include
> NTFS support (at least reading). I don't know what would be more
> convenient: to included it in the kernel or as a separate package
> (this second one is the way they do for the official Fedora kernels, I
> guess for licensing reasons). I mainly need it for accessing my
> external hard drive with all my samples as I sometimes share this
> drive with a Windows installation (FAT32 is out of consideration since
> some of the files are bigger than the FAT32 limit for file size).
> Gracias!
> Hector
> p.d. I know you are short of time and have lot of work to do, so
> please consider this just in case you can afford to do it.
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