[PlanetCCRMA] Qsampler

Luis Garrido luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 6 10:16:03 PDT 2006

> Is Qsampler supposed to play play ALL Gig  files?  I can play the
> freeware gig samples   i have but can't get any sound out of the
> proprietary ones.  They load find just no sound.  Do I need prepare
> them in some way?


The linuxsampler guys do what they can, but they cannot possibly
afford to buy every commercial GIG to test it, and the GIG format
specs are not released to the public AFAIK, so it is a bit of trial
and error. I am sure they would heartily welcome any feedback you can
provide them with in their mailing list.

Check out linuxsampler.org

Good luck,


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