[PlanetCCRMA] midiman + FC5

Tom Duff td@pixar.com
Mon Oct 16 12:17:01 2006

On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 12:48 -0700, Tom Duff wrote:
>> I'm trying without success to get my midiman 2x2 going on my FC5 box.
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/redhat/linux/planetccrma/9/en/os/noarch/ezusbmidi-2002_11_17-1.noarch.rpm
> You should be able to download it and install it with "rpm -Uvh"

Finally this weekend I got to work on this some.  The short story is
it works.  Thanks!

The long story is that it took me a day of hacking in code I would rather 
not have to look at to discover that it won't work if your running SELinux 
in "enforcing" mode.  (It can't open the microcode file.)  I'm sure the 
SELinux policy database, wherever that is, could be changed to make things 
work, but the easy fix is to adjust /etc/sysconfig/selinux so that the 
line that starts SELINUX= reads SELINUX=disabled or (reportedly, I didn't 
try it) to add selinux=0 to the appropriate kernel line in 

Tom Duff.  Software is made of Coca Cola and bad dreams.