[PlanetCCRMA] low-latency kernel without yum?

Lloyd Kvam lkvam@venix.com
Sat Oct 14 12:24:03 2006

On Sat, 2006-10-14 at 11:28 -0700, Cyrill wrote:
> Hey there
> I am new to this list, and new to Planetccrma too, but not to
> GNU/Linux (was first on Debian and then Ubuntu before).
> I have recently switched to Fedora C5, whose installation was almost
> painless. But after some updates/upgrades, I now have a nasty problem
> with yum and python. I have re-installed python2.5 properly, 

Python is used very heavily in rpm based distributions.  The system
utilities will depend on special modules that are not part of the
standard python release.  If those utilities (such as yum) are run using
the wrong Python version, things will not work.  I could not find Python
2.5 in my fedora yum repositories.  Either you installed it yourself or
used some other repository.

Hopefully you did not delete the Python 2.4.3 that is the default with
fedora 5.

Because the utilities reference python directly, you need to run an
alternate python version with a different name, i.e. python2.5 or
mypython.  This is a nuisance if you are developing Python applications
and want to use a newer Python version.  The executables for python2.5
should be in
	/usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
Once the python command is back to referencing 2.4.3, you should be OK.

I have tried fiddling the PATH so that my preferred python came first
for me, while the utilities found their python first, but I could not
make that work reliably.

> it works. I have re-installed yum from the planetccrma depository
> following the online tutorial, but then when I try to launch it it
> pretends that the yum module couldn't be loaded. Well, I have tried to
> solve this all day long, and I give up. So I'd like to know if there
> is a workaround to install planetccrma's kernel without using yum?
> Thanks in advance,
> Cyrill Duneau.
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

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