[PlanetCCRMA] midiman + FC5

Tom Duff td@pixar.com
Tue Oct 3 12:49:01 2006

I'm trying without success to get my midiman 2x2 going on my FC5 box. The
description at 
http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/usbmidi.html, which worked 
for me on previous FC versions, applies to system versions that use 
apt-get, but of course on FC5 we use yum.

The advice at 
"wherever you see 'apt-get install' you should substitute 'yum install'" 
doesn't work for me.  Probably this is all just because apt-get and yum 
are as clear to me as dishwater -- I've never seen a description of how 
either works that gives me a clear model of what they're doing to my 
computer.  (My 18 year old son appears to understand this stuff just fine, 
but he's away at college.)

Any help?

Tom Duff.  File under Avant Bluegrass.