[PlanetCCRMA] ecasound, accessing individual outputs

sara lidgey slidgey at yahoo.ca
Sun Nov 19 12:39:01 PST 2006

Hi All,

I'm using ecasound, ccrma fc5 kernel with an M-Audio Delta-66 card.  I need to be able to output completely separate wav files from each of the 4 Delta-66 outputs.  This will eventually be controlled from within a c program using the Ecasound Control Interface.  What I am confused about is how to access the individual outputs from ecasound.  I'm experimenting with commands like:
 ecasound -i somefile.mp3 -o alsahw,0,0
Say I want to output somefile.mp3 to my hardware output 1
Does anyone know how to do it?

Thanks a lot,

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