[PlanetCCRMA] thanks

David Forsyth steampipe at iwr.ru.ac.za
Fri Nov 17 10:21:00 PST 2006

Thanks to Jan for helping with the monitoring

I fixed the xruns problem!

after struggling through another recording session I suddenly thought
that some of those JACK settings are interchangable.

I had Frames/Period at 2048 and Periods/Buffer at 2.
Jack refused any higher settings with either as that setting.
However, by decreasing Frames/Period to 1024 and increasing
Periods/Buffer to 4, it works as it should.
This gives the sames latency as 2048/2, but it works for everything I've
done except when I crashed ardour and it showed a few xruns after that.

I also tried 512 Frames/Period, and it worked for playback, but I didn't
have time to do any further testing at that setting.

I hope V2 of ardour is not too far away, I don't want to learn thing sin
0.99 that are changing in 2....

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