[PlanetCCRMA] Ingo latest patch and kernel

Nicholas Manojlovic nicholasmanojlovic at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 19:53:01 PST 2006

I think thats an excellent idea - it follows on from fedora extras
'kernel-xen' package anyway. Really looking forward to this kernel Ferando
(converting a room into a dedicated audio recording room tomorrow!) so I
appreciate all the hard work you're doing.

What are the chances that the kernel-realtime will eventually make it into


On 11/17/06, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 17:31 -0500, Delgado, Edgardo CIV NAVAIR
> wrote:
> > Hey Nando,
> >
> > FYI, Ingo just released a patch for 2.6.19 at
> > http://people.redhat.com/mingo/realtime-preempt/
> > and a kernel at
> > http://people.redhat.com/mingo/realtime-preempt/yum/i686/
> >
> > Edgardo "Edgar" Delgado
> Sigh... never ends :-)
> I'm working on 2.6.18-rt7 right now (for fc6).
> [latest: autofs and /usr/sbin/automount don't work with the patched
> kernel - automount segfaults and there's something in the logs as to the
> kernel hitting a bug...]
> I'll look at Ingo's kernel packages... Just FYI I'm working on Fedora
> Core 6 kernels and I have pretty much decided to change the naming of
> the Planet CCRMA kernel packages to kernel-realtime-*. This is because
> of the yum problem of it not wanting to install older kernels ever (I've
> looked at the source and this seems to be hardwired deep into yum).
> Ingo is prefixing them with a "2.xxxx" release which is going to be
> always newer than the official Fedora kernels but I think that's not
> such a good idea, you may actually want to run sometimes the newest
> kernel from Fedora, somethings the realtime enhanced kernel. Both kernel
> "lineages" should be able to coexist. AFAICT all the peripheral scripts
> and other kernel related thingies seem to not mind the name change...
> -- Fernando
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