[PlanetCCRMA] smart updater

Renich Bon Ciric renich at woralelandia.com
Thu Nov 9 00:39:00 PST 2006

Hola, Fedorians!

Well, I think a good move would be to provide Smart Package Manager
channel config. In my experience, smart is far faster than yum and
resolves dependencies as well.

Besides, for those who like GUIs, it has a great gui. Check it out!

# For a list of smart related packages
yum list smart*

# Recomended install
su -c 'yum install smart{,-gui,-update}'

# Livna.channel (must be at: /etc/smart/channels)
name=Livna - i386

name=Livna - Testing
baseurl= http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/testing/6/i386/debug/

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