[PlanetCCRMA] xruns
nicholas manojlovic
nicholasmanojlovic at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 19:24:00 PST 2006
On Sat, 2006-11-04 at 20:26 +0200, DA Forsyth wrote:
> On 3 Nov 2006 at 7:21, Jan Depner wrote masterfully:
> Hi Jan
> > > This glitching is really worrying me, since I think it will get
> > > worse if I insert Jamin for the mastering. problem....!
> >
> > I'm assuming that you've made the mistake of setting your
> > frames/period to something way low like 64 or 128.
> it was. but please explain more on this topic. are you saying that
> for recording, that low setting is correct, but for playback it
> should
> be higher? what about when overdubbing and one needs low latency
> while playing back tracks and recording new tracks at the same time?
> > For mixdown and/or
> > mastering you should set it to as high a value as possible. If you
> > have hardware monitoring (like with most of the ice1712 chipsets -
> > M-Audio Delta 1010 for example) you should always set it to as high
> > a value as possible. I use 2048. This should get rid of your xrun
> > problem.
> I have a Delta 1010LT. I set it to 2048 (tried 4096 but jack would
> not start) and still got glitches, though fewer. I've got a gverb
> plugin on 2 channels, both bypassed, enabling them doesn't make much
> difference, except during a parameter drag it will usually glitch.
> thanks
> steam and wind
> --
> David Forsyth _|_ His
> Grahamstown, South Africa | Way
> http://iwr.ru.ac.za/~iwdf | Up
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Use low frames/periods (windows speak = buffers) for recording and
higher frames/periods when you dont need low latency.
so short answer: low to record, high to mix. (or you can keep everything
low if your system can handle it).
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