[PlanetCCRMA] FC5: Which yum repos to enable?

blindman jones erleichda at gmail.com
Wed May 31 20:18:01 PDT 2006

I have these enabled...


And when I update, if command line I use...

[blindman at onondaga ~]$ su -c 'yum update --exclude=kernel'

I started using Yumex though... so I "Select All" on the updates then
I deselect the kernel... I could actually install it and reset
grub.conf to boot the ccrma kernel, but this is so easy... why bother?

maybe there is a way to make it always ignore that kernel somewhere in
yum... but again, this is so easy... :)

hope that helps,

On 5/31/06, Joe Planisky <jplan at jeffnet.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to the Planet, FC5, and yum.  After installing FC5, I followed
> Fernando's instructions and installed the planetccrma.repo file.  I've
> been able to successfully install various apps from PlanetCCRMA and
> everything seems to be working fine.  (Many thanks to Fernando and
> everyone involved with this project for making it easy to get going!)
> Regarding the planetccrma.repo file, Fernando's instructions say
> > There are also pointers to updates and the core os
> > but those are disabled by default. You can edit this
> > file and enable them if you want:
> If I do enable the updates and core os repositories in planetccrma.repo,
> should I then disable the other .repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d (e.g.
> fedora-core.repo, fedora-updates.repo, etc.)?
> The reason I ask is that I currently have all the .repo files enabled
> and 'yum update' is reporting that a new kernel is available, but it's
> not a 'ccrma' kernel.  So I think that's coming from a source specified
> in one of the other .repo files.
> Thanks,
> --
> Joe
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